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Woodland Ridge Residents Give Their Advice to the Graduates

You’ll see them everywhere this time of year—local and national celebrities speaking to graduating college and high school classes. Each commencement address comes with advice to the graduates. Often, though, the life experiences and opportunities of many celebrities are vastly different from what most graduates will encounter, so we wanted to get some advice from people […]

Virginia’s Dream

What’s your dream? Thanks to Second Wind Dreams, we have the opportunity to ask our residents that question . . . and then make some of those dreams come true! On May 18th, Woodland Ridge resident Virginia Holliday got a dream-come-true chance to return to school to lead a kindergarten class again. She had taught […]

Honoring Our Veterans

Roswell Rotary Club’s Honor Air trip recently gave us a wonderful way of honoring our veterans. Two Woodland Ridge residents, Mr. William Smith and Dr. Ray Swords, accompanied the group on a whirlwind tour of military memorials in Washington, D.C., including the World War II, Korean, and Vietnam memorials along with the Tomb of the Unknown […]

Vanessa Roberts – May 2016 Employee of the Month

Join us in congratulating Vanessa Roberts as our May 2016 Employee of the Month! Vanessa’s colleagues nominated her for this award, and she was recognized at our monthly staff meeting in May. Executive Director Amy Brannen says, “Vanessa brightens our days with her great smile and bubbly personality.” She’s been caring for seniors for over […]

It Can Happen in Any Town, USA

What first pops into your mind when you hear the term “elder abuse”? If you’re like many people, you may be confused when you hear that phrase. Many people don’t want to think of older love ones as vulnerable targets for abuse, and most people don’t understand the scope of abuses that can—and do—occur. Last […]

Meet Carman Research

Elder Care Smyrna GA-Our Resident Spotlight shines on Nancy Merrill for February 2022. At Woodland Ridge, Ms. Nancy loves the music activities and always has a wonderful smile to greet everyone! We’re so happy to have her as part of our Woodland Ridge family.

Music and Memory

  Have you ever heard a song, and though you had long since forgotten it, been transported instantly to a time and place. Recalling, despite the dusty residue of time on its words, every note of the melody and more still, the notes of your heart in that original moment? It’s no accident. It is […]