The Caregiver’s Guide to Practicing Gratitude

“The heart that gives thanks is a happy one, for we cannot feel thankful and unhappy at the same time.” – Douglas Wood As a family caregiver, you consistently have a lot of your plate. Not only are you caring for a parent or loved one, but you also have your own responsibilities—children, a spouse, […]
Helping a Parent or Loved One Share Their Life Story
Our parents, grandparents, and older family members have experienced a lot in their lifetimes. From historical events to cultural changes, they have watched the world be shaped into what we know and live in today.
Talking with Children About Alzheimer’s Disease
At Woodland Ridge, we know the impact an Alzheimer’s diagnosis can have on family, friends, and loved ones. While an adult may understand what it means for their loved one and their relationship, children often do not.
10 Ways to Overcome Caregiver Burnout
Caring for a loved one can be a gratifying endeavor, but can also be a long-term and challenging stressor. Stress in caring for a loved one can build over the years and cause one to question the ability to care for a family member whose symptoms might never improve. It is important to recognize when […]
Things to Look for When Visiting a Senior Parent
It can be difficult to tell how your senior parents are managing at home if you live at a distance from them. The holidays are the perfect time to reunite with family and friends, but it can also be the ideal time to check in on your parents and assess their home life.
Depression in Seniors: Overcoming Stigmas
Understanding and recognizing depression, especially in seniors, can be difficult. With over 300 million people worldwide showing symptoms of depression, it is a widespread problem, yet it continues to endure unyielding stigmatization.
Preventing Phishing Scams That Target Seniors
In today’s society, financial scams and fraudulent transactions are becoming increasingly more common. Scammers are evolving methods, becoming more aware online, disguising themselves as legitimate businesses, and targeting seniors that are unaware of the dangers of phishing. Many seniors aren’t aware of these popular internet scams that take advantage of thousands of people. Helping a […]
Travel Destinations for Seniors
Getting stuck in your everyday routine can be easy. But did you know? Monotony can lead some individuals to severe ailments, such as depression. If you have a close friend or relative in a nursing home, not traveling can actually have an adverse effect on them. Do your loved one a favor and plan […]
Tips to Dining Out with Diabetes
Living in a senior living community certainly does not mean that enjoying your nightlife is over! Many of our residents enjoy dining out with family during their visits. While families are welcome to join us at dinner within our community, it is an extra special treat for residents to experience a change of scenery and […]
Woodland Ridge’s Guide to Staying Positive in Caregiving
You have to be brave as a group leader, as a parent, and even as an adult daughter or son. Wanting to make the world go away and crawl into your parent’s lap is a nice idea, but in the real world, we all have to face real-life problems. You can either make it easier […]