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Woodland Ridge Visitation

Assisted Living Smyrna GA - Woodland Ridge Visitation

Assisted Living Smyrna GA-Visitation in Georgia’s LTC communities (Assisted Living in our case) is based on 2 main criteria per the Georgia Department of Public Health.


Assisted Living Smyrna GA - UNPACKING COVID

Assisted Living Smyrna GA-Unpacking COVID is a series of sessions led by Dr. Kym,  who is a Board Certified Family Nurse Practitioner with a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree.

Joy- the Faces of our Families and Residents Says it All

Elderly Care Smyrna GA - Joy- the Faces of our Families and Residents Says it All

Elderly Smyrna GA-We are open for visitation and so excited to see our families reunite. The ability for our residents to have indoor visitation with a lot less restrictions is heartwarming to the staff, residents and loved ones.

Positive Conversations on COVID-19

Caregiver Smyrna GA - Positive Conversations on COVID-19

Caregiver Smyrna GA-It has been Woodland Ridge’s experience that our caregivers and seniors, plus those who get vaccinated next will influence history.

Small Town Charm: Welcome to Smyrna, Georgia

  Picture this: you begin your day with a fresh cup of coffee while overlooking the courtyard and gardens. You sit quietly, enjoying the morning sun on your face, and planning out your day. Should you stop by the barbershop or beauty salon for a freshening up? Head over to Cobb County Rhyne Park for […]