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Positive Conversations on COVID-19

Caregiver Smyrna GA-It has been Woodland Ridge’s experience that our caregivers and seniors, plus those who get vaccinated next will influence history.


Positive Conversations on COVID-19

Caregiver Smyrna GA - Positive Conversations on COVID-19Often, we get engrossed in the daily media learning about the negative happenings in the world. While it is tantalizing for the moment, what is even more important is how we react as humans to catastrophes. Our response to challenge defines us and history. When we look back, we can celebrate how we changed the course of time and our lives.

It has been Woodland Ridge’s experience that our caregivers and seniors, plus those who get vaccinated next will influence history. We have much to celebrate with our seniors and their caregivers who have been vaccinated. Here is a great video testimonial and some endearing quotes.


 Woodland Ridge resident Mrs. Shirley McGahan

We received video testimonials from staff, and many emails and letters. We will be posting them on our You tube channel so stayed tuned for our Conversations on COVID-19 series.

I think we should never underestimate the value of what this means to individuals.

One son stated, “… words cannot express my gratitude for Ed receiving his vaccine. Thank you so very much for working him into your group. He has been so incredibly careful in all his daily activities not to catch the virus.” As Ed said, “… at my age, the virus is a death sentence.” When we got in my truck to leave, he said he felt like a 2-ton boulder had been lifted off his shoulders because he knew he had some protection from the virus.

Another wrote, “I felt like I won the mega millions lottery today through your generosity. My mother cried tears of joy when I told her over the phone that she could get the vaccine.” Over the last two clinics, Woodland Ridge has reached out and provided vaccination to a home bound couple that hitherto had limited access to the vaccine.

A particularly endearing video came from a caregiver who stated, “I have had COVID and by the grace of God I was spared. She never wanted to face a death illness again, so she wanted everyone to hear her story. Take this virus seriously. Get vaccinated so you do not lose your life or those you love or serve daily. Do it now if you want to see your grandchildren.”

In closing, a patriotic one came from Ginger, a senior volunteer who stated. “ Now is the time for us to help America get back on it’s feet. We all need to get vaccinated now and change what is going on. Go get Vaccinated- You can make a difference.” #vaccinationsaves lives.

Please share your reflections, videos , or emails on this subject and let us flood the world with positive news. Friend us at Woodland Ridge Assisted living facebook and post your comments on the vaccine or if you are not on facebook, just send them in for our series to

If you or an aging loved-one is considering a move to an Assisted Living Facility for Caregiver Services in Symrna GA please contact the caring staff at Woodland Ridge today770-431-7055 

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